Scaffolding is THE Key to Learning AND Innovation
Learn to Play Piano in Days
Control Shift Piano to Launch January 27th
Steven Jenkins and I have something in common. We’re both frustrated piano players. I took lessons as an adult for several years and never achieved fluency. Traditional lessons teach music theory. I can read music but I’m so slow I can’t really keep a song flowing without practicing for months. Not much fun. I didn’t have the time or patience to continue; instead I took to singing at piano bars.

Steven, on the other hand, took his frustration and innovated. He decided to invent a way to learn piano, and play songs, faster. He’s created a system (Control Shift Piano Method) that honestly you won’t believe. But it works. It’s amazing. It’s for people like me, who only want the fun of playing a tune, and don’t really need sophisticated music theory.
Steven Jenkins is a true innovator because he SCAFFOLDS

Have a look at this video. Steven does something with his system that all good teachers and teaching methods do, that is, Scaffold the student to the learning. Scaffolding is how you bridge someone’s mind to incorporate new learning, and, significant to innovators, think in fresh ways. Scaffolding is something that educators know about, there’s been significant research.
For more information about Steven and his cool new method click here. Control Shift Piano launches January 27th.
Scaffolding is virtually unheard of as an innovation method
It’s long been the holy grail of innovation facilitators such as myself to help clients scaffold their thinking to come up with new ideas for products, services, process improvements and even business models. One reason it’s difficult is because thinking sessions start cold, and, there is Not Enough Scaffolding.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a template, akin to what Steven has done with his piano system, to make it easier for innovators to connect to fresh ideas?
There is, it’s called Innovation MoshPit. It assists innovators in making new connections through a series of easy-to-do scaffolding steps. Like Steven’s method, it works because it uses learning as part of innovation.