Open Innovation

    Tune-In To Taster Tools On Thursday

    Free Weekly Webinar of Facilitation Tools with Gregg Fraley

    Every Thursday at 2 pm EST, Master Facilitator Gregg Fraley demonstrates a facilitation tool online.

    The weekly sessions are FREE. Sessions begin on Thursday March 18th.

    The 30 minute weekly webinar features demonstrations of various facilitation tools for: strategy, challenge clarification, idea generation (aka brainstorming), problem framing, idea selection, innovation projects, and idea development, etc.

    Thinking Differently Takes Tools

    At some point everybody needs to think differently. It might be a really thorny, hairy, awful, complex problem. It might be a juicy opportunity you don’t know how to seize.

    When you ask your mind to think differently, what happens? Does it come easily? Do new thoughts and ideas spring forth? Or, is it like pulling teeth?

    Register Now

    If you’re responsible for getting to the fresh snow of new ideas, in order to solve problems, you’d be well advised to tune in to Taster Tools on Thursday. Register on EventBrite.

    Gregg Fraley, Master Facilitator

    Gregg Fraley, master creativity and innovation facilitator takes you through a creative thinking/facilitation tool, just one per session. Time for Q&A and a discussion on how to adapt the tool to your needs.

    Gregg Fraley is a highly experienced facilitator who’s been learning, developing, and inventing group facilitation tools for many years. He trains other facilitators on his methods. Gregg is recognized as a Distinguished Leader at the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) and is a Visiting Innovation Scholar at Notre Dame. As a successful technology entrepreneur he has a broad perspective on business and always has ideas about how to solve thorny problems. Gregg knows several innovation frameworks, including Design Thinking and Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving (aka “CPS). He’s familiar with tools in Lean, Agile, and DeBono’s Thinking Hats.


    Public Innovation Training, NW Indiana

    Public Training Offering — Getting Innovation Started Attention Michiana, NW Indiana, Chicago Establish Fundamentals and Avoid Pitfalls Gregg Fraley Innovation (GFi) and The Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest Collaborate on Public Training Seminar FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  August 30, 2019 PORTAGE, Ind. — The Society of Innovators at Purdue University Northwest (PNW) is hosting a public innovation educational seminar from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19, at its headquarters located at 6100 Southport Road, Portage, Ind. “Establishing Fundamentals and Avoiding Pitfalls” features innovation expert and author Gregg Fraley of Gregg Fraley Innovation (GFi); La Porte-based innovation practitioner, Earl Miller of Hiler Industries/Accurate Castings; and Sheila Matias, executive director of the Society of Innovators at PNW. The goal

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    How You Ask for Innovation Matters

    Six Considerations for Inclusive Innovation The Wall Street Journal published an article this week, Why Innovation is a Team Sport.  It reveals a broad based study on innovation done by the research firm Great Place to Work. You can download the entire white paper at Great Places website. Nicely done survey GP2W! Essentially, the survey says that companies that are more broad-based and inclusive in innovation have better growth prospects. Across industry sectors and sizes of companies, those who include more of their people in innovation efforts tend to do better. Where people feel included, notice the word “feel” — they also worker harder and longer. Who doesn’t want more growth potential and harder working, more involved, people? YES! AND… This

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    Digital Technology MoshPit

    New Service Offering for Digital Technology Innovation Discover Ideas for Long Term and Tactical Innovation Projects Chicago, IL, August 1, 2018 — The MoshPit Innovation Service is an innovation project discovery service marketed by GFi (Gregg Fraley Innovation). It’s designed to uncover unlikely, but useful, combinations of technologies, products, services, trends, and insights that lead to breakthrough innovation. GFi is now offering a new version of MoshPit to discover ideas that exploit new digital technologies. The new service is called Digital Technology MoshPit. The primary benefit of Digital Technology MoshPit: Faster and more creative integration of new digital technology, leading to efficiencies and growth. The MoshPit system finds combinations of concepts that lead to innovation. From the printing press to the iPhone, “concept blending” creates value.

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    4 Ways to Amplify Digital Innovation in 2018

    Learn 4 Ways to Amplify Digital Innovation in 2018 Alignment, Team Diversity, Knowledge & MoshPits The challenges facing innovation leaders, as we confront the reality of 2018 is — how do you integrate new digital capability? This is not innovation as we once knew it. This is not your Dad’s innovation. It’s not even Your Innovation of five years ago. How do you innovate across your entire value chain? If you’re just focused on products you’re going to miss the boat. How do you integrate all this new fancy stuff into strategy and ideation to create actual projects? Why is this challenge so different from previous innovation challenges? Has there ever been a moment in time when so many new

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    The Billion Dollar Breakthrough You Missed

    Why and How are Billions in Potential Innovation Left On The Table? Innovation is Fresh Combinations  What’s Needed: Sophisticated Tools to Deliberately Make Fresh Connections Across Domains (see MoshPit, a new offering from GFi). Fresh combinations of technologies, processes, materials, people, trends, concepts, and other factors are what creates innovation. From the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (chocolate plus peanut butter) to the iPod (MP3 player combined with a buying system, iTunes) nearly any innovation combines existing things or concepts. It’s interesting that large organizations with lots of intellectual property don’t systematically examine what they can combine to innovate. Maybe it’s because concept blends across very different domains are not intuitive. Deliberate concept blends, combinations, are not a defined part of

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    The Innovation Imperative, growing culture and capacity (GFi Keynote)

    The Innovation Imperative… growing innovation culture and capacity If you want an organization to survive, you must innovate. But innovation is more than survival, it’s the heart beat of an organization. What you make, what you do, and how you do it — is the lifeblood of who you are. Staying in business means reinventing as markets shift. In this inspirational speech Gregg Fraley answers the Why Innovation question, and informs as to what innovation means to you and your group. It advocates that innovation is an exciting part of everyone’s job, not “extra work.” The stories of great innovation moments, overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles, and inventive breakthroughs will leave audiences empowered to innovate. The content is about how the

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    Training is an Innovation Accelerant II

    Do You Wish To Accelerate Innovation? Get Training! When I step into a room to facilitate an innovation, strategy, or idea generation session I always find a great deal of energy. What I also often find is inexperience. Inexperience in: the kind of divergent thinking necessary to innovate, in specific meeting behaviors and facilitation skills, and in innovation process, approaches and frameworks Here are details regarding a half day Innovation Intensive course I’m conducting at Workspring in Chicago on October 27th, 2017. Energy, motivation, and inspiration are important factors in getting innovation rolling. But none of them, or all of them together, are enough to overcome untrained thinking, poor session facilitation, and an un-anchored or non-existent innovation approach. Your innovation

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    Disaster: CEO’s Ignoring Digital Innovation

    Does Any CEO Have the Luxury to Ignore Digital Transformation and Innovation? Gregg Fraley and Karen Kirby, copyright 2017 Innovation + Business + Technology = Digital Leadership Turnover of CEOs is already high, about 14.9 % a year as of 2016*. The demands of digital leadership and the enterprises of the future could dramatically accelerate that rate in the next few years. The conversation CEOs need to be having, to remain in the shrinking 85.1%, is about how to integrate digital technology and seize new pathways to industry leadership. In HBO’s Game of Thrones there has been that recurring foreboding phrase, “winter is coming.” For years, the phrase has been whispered in the ears of CEOs “digital is coming”. They

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    Intrapreneurship Chicago 2016

    Authentically Different Conference In recent years I’ve become a bit anti-conference. I still go to some but I find the formats tired. The formula favors big name authors and speakers who sometimes miss the mark. The agenda is so jammed you don’t have time to talk to your peers. The social events are fun, but a bit… forced. So, you may be surprised when I bend over backwards to promote Intrapreneurship Chicago 2016.  The event is going to be held at the TechNexus accelerator in the River North area. Chicago area innovators and intrapreneurs, take note. June 22! This conference is authentically different. And highly useful if you are a real working Intrapreneur. 90% of the conference attendees will be

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