iCoach– Innovation Process Coaching

I’m introducing a new service called iCoach, and no, it’s not about handbags!  In simple terms I’ve found that what a lot of my customers need, beyond ideation facilitation, is assistance with internal innovation process. iCoach is designed to assess culture, including team dynamics and current process, spot bottle necks in process, and make recommendations and provide assistance in removing those bottle necks.  

One of the toughest challenges with innovation is consistency.  iCoach aims to create management consensus around innovation objectives, and essentially, keep the train schedule of incremental and disruptive innovation leaving the station on time.  

See my regular webpage under consulting for more information.  Or go directly to: http://www.greggfraley.com/coaching.html

    2 responses to “iCoach– Innovation Process Coaching”

    1. Penny van der Lith says:

      Hi Gregg

      This is a GREAT idea! It is exactly what I find the most difficult in driving innovation. I know quite a lot of the theory, but actually translating it into a proper process is another matter entirely! For innovation to happen successfully, I think one needs a careful blend of freedom and structure. Also, simply copying what other companies are doing is not gonna cut it, one needs something that is customized to your own organization’s needs, culture, existing processes and dynamics.

      Well done on coming up with such an clever idea!

      Do I smell another book here…? Perhaps a “Jack’s Innovation Process”, or “Jack’s Agile Innovation”? Hmmmm….


    2. GREGG FRALEY says:

      Well, I think it’s a growing realization that knowing innovation theory is one thing, and doing it is another. An outsider has the advantage of being neutral and also sees things with a fresh perspective, both of which help debug an implementation.

      I haven’t got a book going on this yet, but maybe down the road…

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