
  • Starbucks is Dead.

    Okay, maybe a bit of an overstatement. I say it because my “experience” of Starbucks has gone from a “highlight of my day” to one of avoidance. Why do I see Starbucks as dead? Because when I go its dirty, crowded, and often staffed by dizzyheads who don’t leave enough room for milk. And, this hurts the most to say, the coffee itself has slipped. I still find good cups at Starbucks, but not always. Visionary founder Howard Schultz is back at the helm because results have suffered. Awareness is the start of a return to greatness. Apple came back from the doldrums, maybe Starbucks can as well. I’ll never forget my first Starbucks. They opened their first Chicago location

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  • New Orleans: Disaster — and Opportunity

    I recently spoke at the APDF conference in New Orleans and had the opportunity to see the Katrina devastation up close and personal. It’s still a real mess. Entire neighborhoods wrecked, and worse, government regulations, corruption scandals, massive neglect, and general disincentives that are preventing people from rebuilding or investing. The most eerie thing was seeing the fronts of houses marked with spray paint. When the national guard searched for bodies they made coded markings indicating how many dead were inside each house. As I rolled by in a bus I saw people sitting on their porches in front of these marks. As an American I am frankly ashamed at how we have let down the people and the city

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  • Seven More Creative Job Hunting Ideas

    A new year is here and with it probably a recession. News of earlier this week — the unemployment rate in the USA is already rising. Let’s not be gloomy, let’s get creative and think of new solutions to our job hunting challenges. I’m going to list seven new ideas below (for 23 more look at my post of last July!) but before you go to my ideas, understand that the power is when you generate your own. Yes, you are creative, and yes, you can have some great ideas to solve your job finding challenges. Get a notebook just for this purpose. Start listing ideas, thoughts, wishes, facts, feelings, and action steps. If you want to know more about

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