
  • The Potential of Qualitative Research in B2B

    Why Don’t B2B Companies Use Qualitative Research? Qualitative Studies Lead to Insights, and Innovative Results Open-ended Questions Are Powerful Qualitative research is an effective way to understand your market better. Consumer product companies spend a great deal of time and money doing qualitative, essentially, talking to consumers. They often use the focus group method, but also do one-on-one interviews, and observational research or ethnographic studies. It’s an integral part of their innovation process. The findings, the derived insights, can be profound. It’s the perfect start to an innovation process. B2B companies do qualitative much less frequently. They’re missing the boat — qualitative is arguably more effective in B2B markets. Qualitative research is often misunderstood, that might explain why B2B hasn’t embraced it widely. Weirdly,

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  • Innovation Intensive April 5th, 2019

    Innovation Training “Innovation Intensive, beyond Design Thinking” Public Course* With Master Trainer Gregg Fraley Comprehensive Immersion Course for: Innovation Project Managers, Teams, Executives, Facilitators Keith House* — Chicago, Friday April 5, 2019 This one day course consistently receives high marks from innovation executives and training professionals. Innovation Intensive, beyond Design Thinking is comprehensive in its approach and provides compelling methods, insights, tools, and stories from master trainer, Gregg Fraley. If you are seeking to enhance innovation culture and jump-start or improve innovation efforts, this is the course to attend. Send new project leaders, managers, facilitators, and essential innovation team members. This public* course is at a significant discount to on-site courses delivered directly to organizations by Gregg Fraley Innovation (GFi). The emphasis of this training

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  • Purpose Driven Innovation

    Do Purpose First, Select a Framework, Then Do Projects Without a Clear Purpose, Innovation Drifts Off Course It may seem obvious but unless you know who you are, and what your purpose is, as an organization you will flounder. Innovation Leaders sometimes get it backwards. This wastes Time and Money. In the innovation space there is endless discussion about frameworks. Which is best? Can I blend frameworks? If everyone else is jumping off the Design Thinking bridge shouldn’t we? Just kidding, Design Thinking can be a good choice, as can Agile, or Lean, or your own blended system. Using a structured innovation framework is a project success factor. There is also a lot of yakking about culture. Nothing wrong with

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  • Emergent See Innovation

    Innovation Emergencies Happen Emergent See Innovation from GFi Available February, 2019 I advise pro-active, and continuous, innovation. It’s always easier to work with a challenge when you have time and the leisure to incubate, think, and in general work the clay of research insights, trends, prototypes, paper-based concepts, or a business model canvas. When you are always doing innovation, you have time to fail, time to create small wins, time to learn. Time is what you don’t have in an emergency. And Innovation Emergencies Happen. You’re caught off guard by a market shift, a new competitor, or a technical advancement. Unfortunately, many organizations don’t have a formal innovation program, and so, they wait until the proverbial poop hits the fan. It’s

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  • Innovation is a Brutal DIY Project

    Innovation Learning Points From the Great Faucet DIY Fiasco DIY is a Form of Innovation I’m the Abraham Lincoln of home fix-it DIY projects. Like Lincoln, I ultimately win, but painfully fail many, many times before I “git-er done”. (FYI: DIY = Do It Yourself.) As an innovation consultant who is a facilitator, team builder, idea person, and strategist, my need for hands-on engineering skills are minimal. I’m not bad at prototyping and am excellent in concept development, but I’m horrible when it comes to hands-on maker skills. As a home owner, this is really Not Good. But I try. And I learn. So after I finished the bleeding on my latest DIY effort, it strikes me that, on a larger

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  • Economic Development Teams Need Innovation Training

    Economic Development and the “Home Run” Complex Amazon has finally made a decision about it’s new HQ. I have to say I’m a bit awestruck at how much time and energy was wasted by so many cities and regions around the country, only to have Amazon do the obvious thing and go with the world capitals for corporate HQ’s — New York and Washington. I do understand why those losing regions made the effort, thousands of jobs can transform a community. But in the spirit of an Economic Development “What If…” What If all those other Amazon bidders had put that same energy, and money, into doing innovation projects that are smaller in scale, but, new, different, and clever in

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  • GFi Innovation — Fall Training Course Schedule

    It’s fall and it’s time to go back to school. If you’re in the Chicago or Denver areas, check out these innovation training course offerings. Gregg Fraley Innovation (GFi) is offering three public courses in late October and early November. Click on the course title to register. Don’t wait to register, these are popular offerings.  Chicago Innovation Intensive, Beyond Design Thinking Friday October 26 at Catalyst Ranch, 8:30 to 4:00 pm CST REGISTER NOW This deep-dive immersive course in innovation could change the direction of your organization – or career. Do you seek sustained growth? A truly innovative culture? How do you get there? This essential training for leaders and project managers provides answers, and from an industry thought leader.

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  • To Innovate: Learn, Scaffold, Ideate

    Innovation is Learning For many years I kept the concepts of innovation and learning in separate boxes. I thought innovation was creating new things of value, and, learning was understanding new things. I always suspected there was a closer connection. I now believe that learning and innovation are joined at the hip. You can’t innovate without an exploratory learning process. It’s a two circle Venn diagram with a large intersection set. Deliberately embracing learning — as part of the innovation process — can lead to better ideas and improved innovation results. It may seem like an obvious connection, but when I made the “innovation is learning” statement at a recent presentation — thinking everyone would agree — I got a

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  • Innovate Where You Are — and With Who You Have

    Off-Site Innovation can indeed spur creativity I like what Cardinal Health and Crimson Cup are doing in Columbus, OH with offsite innovation spaces. I like the attention they’ve paid to team diversity and on a customer-centered process. P&G’s Innovation Gym is another great dedicated off-site innovation space. I think these organizations are doing the right thing — for their contexts and purposes. Yes… AND,  Not every organization can afford separate innovation lab facilities, or, can innovate away from their business location. Or, can even have a dedicated innovation team. Smaller organizations have to innovate Where They Are (and with who they have). There are a lot of benefits to an outside innovation space, but if that’s not in the cards financially

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  • GFi Innovation Public Training Course

    Innovation Intensive  Thursday, September 13, 2018, The Keith House, Chicago Master Innovation Trainer: Gregg Fraley Register Now: Course Description: Innovation Intensive is a one day, deep dive, into fundamental and advanced concepts in innovation. It immerses participants in the relevant theory and systematic practices critical to organizational growth. It examines culture assessment, strategy, and on-going project management. It includes an overview of key frameworks (Design Thinking, Agile, Lean, TRIZ, Synectics, Stage-Gate, CPS) and their essential tools. Participants learn classic pitfalls and how to avoid them using best practices and emerging advanced practices. In addition, it covers management mandates, project cycles, resourcing, idea management systems, idea generation, concept development, prototyping, and pitch presentations. Innovation team leaders and project managers learn what it

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