Creative Problem Solving (CPS)

  • 5 Things Managers Can Do to Keep Creatives Honest

    My friend Mark Dykeman sent me a new Harvard study on Creativity. It’s a shocker at one level, and at another, it’s really not. The not-finalized study (The Dark Side of Creativity, Original Thinkers Can Be Dishonest, by Francesca Gino and Daniel Ariely) claims, and quite credibly, that creative people can be dishonest — that is, less ethical, than those who are not as creative. In reading through the “working paper” (this means it has been released for comment and discussion, I’ll forward notes).  I note how well researched the piece is, the authors have done a good job of building their case.  They tested the concept no less than five different ways, and all five studies confirm the conclusion.

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  • Black Eyed Creativity — and Intel Join Creative Forces

    I read with some interest, and, frankly, surprise that Intel and are joining forces. They’ve named the rapper “Director of Creative Innovation.” Read the PR Blurb in Daily Finance for the spin on the story. This is really interesting.  Some quick thoughts: 1. is undoubtedly a creative force as an artist. The Black Eyed Peas are monster hit makers and captivating performers. Beyond his hip-hop cred, his song “Yes We Can” used in the video for Obama during the 2008 election was nothing short of inspirational (I just watched it again, tears in my eyes). He’s dabbled in fashion, producing, acting, and more. The man has creative chops, absolutely no doubt. As a symbolic kind of guy for creativity,

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  • Doing the Adoption Electric Slide, "It's Holistic"

    How do we get more companies on board to do the new dance, the Idea  Management Adoption Slide?  It’s Holistic! I wrote an article two years ago that stated managers will lose their jobs, at some point, for not adopting Idea Management Systems (IMS).  Those who read this blog know I’m an advocate and believer in IMS, and I’ll point you to the original article (Idea Management, the Measure of Innovation) for all the good reasons and concrete benefits. I’m not the only one who thinks this, I found a more recent blog post by Ron Shulkin, who wrote comprehensive piece on the topic. I haven’t heard of anyone losing their job yet, and there is anecdotal evidence of more adoption

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  • Innovation Not Vitriol

    If It’s Not a Creative Solution, I’m Not Interested. The tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has me thinking about political discourse in the USA. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones, and my heart goes out to all Americans. Once again we grieve over guns and politics. As a “Boomer” it takes me back to another time, in a sad way.  I am once again sitting in grade school and hearing over the loud speaker that John F. Kennedy, my hero, our President, had been shot, and once again, I’m re-living the shooting deaths of Robert F Kennedy , and Martin Luther King. Dead hero’s all, it’s not a proud legacy. I now pray

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  • How To Be Open Minded, 5 Ways To Inspire Innovation

    Some people have no idea what it means to have a “Generative Discussion.” A generative discussion is when people talk, and in the process of discussing something, use a bit of vision, imagination, and ideation. Entrepreneurs and inventors are good at this; they tend to always be looking for the opportunity in what’s being talked about. “What If…” or “Wouldn’t it be Cool If…” or “How Might We…” are phrases you often hear. Now dig, I’m not talking about brainstorming (in any of its many forms and definitions).  I’m talking about, well, talking — but with a creative twist. Creative talking, Innovative talking (aka a Generative Discussion) is more than debate — which is usually about proving how right you

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  • Shameless Plug for Jack's Notebook

    I’m not the best promoter in the world. I’m not the worst either. As a writer, I often feel like a doctor who complains that all the paperwork “isn’t practicing medicine.” Promoting my book is like that for me, it doesn’t feel like what I do, or what I should be doing. In spite of what I feel, however, I would be wrong.  As an author it is part of the gig to promote, flog, expose, market, and sell the living hell out of your own books. For those of you who aspire to publish a book — and make lots of money — let me tell you some hard truth’s about the writing game. But first, please, go to

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  • Re-define Brainstorming, Don't Damn It

    Brainstorming. What does the word mean to you?  How would you define it? Charting on an easel? Post-It notes? Or White Board doodles? A vigorous debate or discussion? Wall murals with Mind-Maps and other Graphic Facilitation tools? Virtual ideation using an online system? A wander in the woods thinking?  Other types of “excursions?” A group of people exchanging ideas? An intensive one or two day session of idea generation Improvisation games or other kinesthetic exercises to stimulate ideas? How the originator defined it, that is, Alex Osborn in “Your Creative Power” and “Applied Imagination” A generic term for idea generation that includes 1-10 and more… Those of you who read this blog often, know I got caught in something of

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  • Innovation in a Nutshell, aka "No BS" Innovation

    Am off tonight to do a Pecha Kucha presentation at an event organized by Simon Strong of Human Zoo. It looks like a fascinating line-up of tasty Pecha’s. It’s good fun to create something as scaled down as 20 slides at 20 seconds each.  It forces you to get to the essence of things.  In preparing for tonight, I put together what I think is an insightful set of 20 statements about innovation that I’m calling “Innovation in a Nutshell” or less PC, “No BS Innovation”.  Sharing my work with you here… So, please, tell me what you think of the following.  My intent is to take Innovation back to the absolute basics — if you follow this guide, you

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  • Adapting Improv Games to Ideation/Problem Solving

    I am often asked about how improv can be used in Idea Generation. I’m asked because I’ve done improv in Chicago at the schools there (IO and Players Workshop of Second City) and I do Idea Generation as a business.  While I’m not a serious candidate for Whose Line Is It Anyway, I have learned, and integrated, the basics into how I think. As for Idea Generation/Brainstorming/Corporate Problem Solving it’s practically all I do these days, so, I’d likely make that All Star team. Call me the spitballer who mixes pitches like structured problem solving — that’s my fastball, and improvisation — that’s my curve. Let me state it simply:  You can adapt classic comedy improvisation games to help solve

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  • Revisiting Mind Mapping – an E-book Review

    You meet some interesting people using Twitter. Going back a couple years now I ran across a guy named Mark Dykeman (@MarkDykeman).  More accurately, he found me, and was kind enough to review Jack’s Notebook.  In any event, it’s clear we have similar interests.  I’m always keen to hear his unique perspective related to creativity and keep an eye on his Thoughtwrestling blog.  I was delighted to hear he’s just completed a new e-book about Mind Mapping titled: “Unstuck, Focused, Organized, using Mind Mapping.” The short version of this review is simply, if you are disorganized, either generally, or in some area of your life, this is a highly useful, amazingly practical, heaping helping of fast acting self-help. The book

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