Pack a Lunch

Mail-in voting is already problematic. Like many Americans I’m appalled at the use of the Post Office to suppress votes. If you don’t agree this is happening, you can skip the rest of what I say here. In my view, the Post Office and Mail-in voting is already compromised, with some exceptions.
For those of you who read my blog for innovation, this blog is not about that, I’ll return soon with more writing on creativity and innovation. But the stability of our elections and our government does impact innovation in the long run, and maybe the short run.
Too Late To Fix This
It would be great if this problem of mail-in voting could be fixed before the election. That would be the sensible thing. That said, I’m convinced as I write this on August 15th it’s already too late, because the seeds of doubt are planted. Even if the Post Office did an amazing job of processing ballots, which I know they could do if not hamstrung, the doubt, and the post-election goofiness, is pretty much guaranteed. I wish this were not so. Our best bet, in my view, is to vote in-person if you possibly can. A clear majority winner will prevent much trouble for us all.
Voting suppression hurts us all — no matter who you vote for. This is not a partisan statement.
Life is reality, it’s going to be a messy election. So, I’m facing the music.
I’m going to vote in-person, and as early as possible.
I’ll pack a lunch.
I know there is some risk to voting in person. In the time of Covid19 long lines of people are not inviting. I’m deciding to take that risk.
I’m aware that the disabled, some older folks, and others, need to vote by mail, in which case, do it as early as possible. The USPS is already warning the window of time they allowed previously for mail-in ballots might not be met in 40 states. If possible drop it off in-person, or have a trusted friend drop it for you.
So folks, fellow citizens, let’s turn out like we never have before and vote in-person. Did you know that the best turnout percentage in modern history is only 62.8% — that was 1960. We can do better. Let’s do it now. The higher that percentage is the more valid our choice will be.
Here’s my handy check list for in-person voting, which you can adapt:
- Pack a lunch. Avoid using mayo.
- Know where to go, and make sure it’s still open, I’ll check that now, and just before I go vote.
- Wear a mask. I’ll bring a spare for my neighbor. Maybe two spares.
- I’ll offer a ride to anyone who might need one, I’ll let everyone know I’ll pick you up and drive you to the polls.
- Bring some hand sanitizer.
- Bring an ultralight portable raincoat.
- Maybe an umbrella. Naw, never mind, too fussy.
- I’ll leave my guns at home. State laws are different, so, if you must have a gun, do it lawfully. Please don’t bring a gun.
- I’ll have a fully charged phone. A playlist that makes me happy. Or determined. and my ear phones so I don’t disturb others.
- Some gum to chew, maybe some Altoids. I’ll dig up some of those nasty zinc cold prevention lozenges.
- I’ll hydrate heavily the day before — but arrive “empty.”
- I’ll show up early but know I might have to wait all day, and will plan accordingly. If you’re working see if you can get a day off, or, vote early at lunch before it gets crazy busy. Find a way.
- I’ll wear the shoes I can stand around in for hours. The Clark ultra-wides I think, the ones with the Dr. Scholl’s gel things.
- I’ll wear a hat without any political symbol on it (my call, I prefer to “keep em guessing”) to keep the sun off my bald head.
- I’ll bring some Ibuprofen in case my back starts talking to me.
- I’ll bring a small bottle of water which I’ll ration sparingly.
- I won’t argue with anyone or confront anyone in line. If somebody starts something up, I will refuse to participate. Happy to chat about the weather or tomatoes.
- I’ll bring a bandana which could come in handy if anything nutty happens.
- I’ll wear long pants, jeans probably. If I have to crawl over broken glass I’ll save my knees some damage.
- I might wear a tie and a dignified sports jacket, tweed if it’s not too warm. People take you more seriously when you wear a tie, and they sometimes think twice before cracking you with a baton.
- I’ll carry my treasured passport sized copy of the constitution in my back pocket.
- I’ll bring some cash, just in case.
- I’ll bring my current Michigan drivers license and my up to date Passport.
- If I was five years older I’d bring a portable chair. That might be the next election.
One response to “Vote In-Person”
Well said!