Intensive Program Helps Small Business Owners in Indiana Survive and Grow
Indiana Business Owners: Sign Up Now, It’s FREE, Starts August 12th.
MoshPits, those crazy human-smashing dance scenes at heavy metal concerts are deliberate chaos. Those who participate dive in because they want that wacky experience. They Choose to Dance.

What business leaders are going through to survive the economic chaos of Covid19 is a MoshPit nobody really chose to be a part of, but, we’re stuck with the situation. Make no mistake, these are tough times, and they cause business leaders anxiety and fear. But, they can Choose to Take Control.
Control means thinking your way out of this crisis. Did you know there’s another kind of “MoshPit” that isn’t a dance, and it doesn’t require Metallica. Instead, it’s the deliberate mashing up of ideas and concepts to solve thorny business problems: Innovation MoshPit. It’s the most strategic business thinking you’ll ever do.
I’ve been using a process for several years now with large corporations and I’ve had outstanding success helping them re-create, re-invent, and re-imagine their business models, products and processes. It’s an approach that works to innovate. At its essence Innovation MoshPit is using the power of combinations to create new things.
I’m excited to be working with The NIIC (North East Indiana Innovation Center) to conduct a workshop for business leaders in Indiana. We’re going to “MoshPit” ideas for business survival, and, yes, growth. The official name is: WBC EmPWR’s Innovation Moshpit™ Workshop Series. WBC EmPWR stands for The Equity and Prosperity for Women.
You heard me. Growth. In every dark cloud there is a silver lining. In every economic crisis there is opportunity. In 1928 Henry Reese combined chocolate with peanut butter cream and created the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. His invention created 2.1 billion in value. Creativity and innovation experts like Arthur Koestler, and inventors like Philo Farnsworth (the boy who invented television) endorse “concept blending.” But anybody can do it if they know the process.
Surviving starts with deciding you’re going to survive.
Make your choice to survive and grow now.
We will assist you in re-inventing your business to cope with our current crisis.
By October you’ll have a plan to Grow. The program starts on August 12th (or soon after for late arrivals) and ends October 7th.
In The Music Man there is snippet from the song “Trouble” that seems apropos “it takes a cool head and a keen eye.” Harold Hill was talking about pool. I’m talking about business — can you take a step back from chaos, take a deep breath, cool your head, and train your eyes on the future? And use your brain to create something new and different? Or adjust what you do now to the new reality?
If you’re an Indiana business leader, it’s FREE. This program is targeting women business owners, but men are welcome!
Join our MoshPit Workshop. It might be the best use of your time since you decided to create a business. Call me directly if you’d like to discuss how it all works: 773-251-8567.