The Most Creative Blogger in the World

Gregg Fraley, The Most Creative Blogger on the Planet

Apologize in advance for the mis-leading title of this post, but I have a motive, and a point (and an ego).

On a lark I decided to Google “the most creative man in the world”. Here is the somewhat surprising result. Juan Carlos Solon may not be the most creative man in the world (he’s a damn good illustrator) but he deserves credit for a good blog post title. I’d give the real title to Sir Jony Ive. — but that’s just me.

Then, to be fair, went over to the fair sex and Googled “the most creative woman in the world.” Here is the rather silly top entry. The second listing was a bit better, if dated to 2010, a Fast Company listing of truly creative women in business like Nora Ephron, Stella McCartney, and others. If I had to say who I thought was really the #1 creative woman in the world, my vote would be for Tina Fey. Just read her autobiography, Bossypants, then tell me I’m wrong.

No, “Gregg Fraley the Most Creative Blogger in the World” — is probably a stretch. Nor should any title of my blog say “Gregg Fraley is the Most Interesting Blogger on Innovation in the World” (although I might be in the top 10.) Gregg Fraley is a top 10 speaker on creativity and innovation — but that’s for others to judge.

Beyond stimulating higher search rankings the purpose of this blog is to make a simple point about the language you use to describe yourself. As I write this I’m thinking of ways to actually make Gregg Fraley The Most Creative Blogger in the World, and while I may never get there, I’ll be reaching higher won’t I? I already have some ideas I wouldn’t have had otherwise. And who knows how high I might go?

If you want to be more creative, innovative, or even just effective — reach a bit higher. Start with your language, it’s part of how you program your brain. Want to be the top sales guy this year? Say so, say it often, write it down, then live into it — your brain will be helping. Want to be a published writer? Don’t program yourself by saying “I want to be a published writer” say “I am a published writer” then make it so.

You don’t have to tell the world, but then again, you might want to. Look what it did for Juan Carlos Salon.


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Posted in Creative Problem Solving (CPS), Creativity and Self-Expression, Innovation, Public Speaking, Writing