Secret Wish Cartoon #4

Riding the train you get a peek into the lives of other people. It’s one of my favorite places to observe, draw, and reflect. Yes, most have their game faces on already, but sometimes you get an intuition of what’s under the mask. I saw this woman a couple weeks ago riding the train into London. She was a domestic of some kind and she had a lovely open face (when you draw people everybody’s face looks more interesting, beautiful really).  Massive bag in her lap, practical brown shoes, tidy looking overall. A name came to me, Agnes. Agnes was a bit tired looking, in spite of a hurried, dab-on make-up job.

Agnes relaxed for the ride and zoned out, until about a minute before we arrived at her stop. Then her face changed, frowning ever-so-slightly at the corners of her mouth.  I saw she was entering a state of dread and resistance. I felt for her, I’m sure she works hard.  So, her Secret Wish was easy to imagine.

My wish for Agnes, and everyone, is to find some joy in the work you do.  Sometimes joy is difficult to find in work. Sometimes you need to make frightening choices and make a change, if you do, it’s worth it. Creativity, and the joy of that, happens when you’re doing something you love. Bless you Agnes.

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Posted in Cartoons by Gregg Fraley, Creativity and Self-Expression, Humor