Pop Culture Report: Mickey Dolenz Is Alive

Briefly noted, a quick from-the-field pop culture report.

How many lives can a show biz cat have?

I was shocked, and delighted, to see Mickey Dolenz featured on a poster in the London Underground.  Apparently he has the part of Wilbur Turnblad in Hairspray.

Dolenz is well on his way to becoming the Mickey Rooney of his generation, at least in terms of longevity. He’s 64 and still doing new things. Mickey (now known as Michael) Dolenz is most famous for being the drummer and a singer in 60’bubble-gum pop group, The Monkees. The Monkees were crassly commercial but had some nice moments in spite of it.  Mickey became a decent drummer and a very good song stylist — The Last Train to Clarksville is an example of his fine singing work.

Prior to the Monkey’s he was a child star with a role in the TV show, Circus Boy. The show’s standard open featured Mickey riding a baby elephant at the head of a parade, an image iconic to a whole generation of Americans.

To be honest, I’m just happy he’s alive and able to do something productive.  Perhaps it’s true what Garrison Keillor said recently, that nobody in the Boomer generation would ever really retire. Instead, they will work until they drop. Life begins…at 64.

Have at it Mickey!

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Posted in Pop Culture, Trends, Futurism, and Research