Deferral of Judgment – Cartoon and Thought

The guidelines of brainstorming include the famous concept of “deferring judgment.” This is suggested so all ideas can be expressed without fear of criticism. It allows for a flow of divergent thinking to get established. It’s a great guideline, and when it’s followed, it helps get results.

It’s interesting though that we usually only defer judgment during a brainstorm. It’s open season outside of a brainstorm to cut an idea to shreds, and often, we cut people to shreds right along with it. The best innovation teams make a real habit of deferring judgment, they do it all the time, not just during a brainstorming session. Basically this “open-ness” allows ideas to live. It’s polite to listen isn’t it? It shows respect. And it’s even more considerate to give ideas a chance, looking for what’s good about it.

In our culture, critique and analysis is just around the corner, don’t worry! I’m not saying don’t ever judge, I’m saying Defer, wait, consider, improve — then judge.

The concept of deferral of judgment is not new, it’s in the bible. It’s also a hallmark trait of a polite person, let alone a great innovator.

So, consider deferring judgment — as a way of life.

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Posted in Cartoons by Gregg Fraley, Humor