Innovation Culture Assessment

“Investigations of innovation too often focus on the products, not on the people and the creative processes and conditions that generate those products” -Mark Runco

Innovation culture assessments are necessary when something is not working. If your efforts are failing, or, you can’t get an initiative started, a holistic assessment, done by an outsider, can be helpful in putting you back on the right track. GFi brings a lot of experience in doing a rapid, but in-depth assessment, using a variety of research tools. 

 Deliverables of an Innovation Culture Assessment: 

  • A big picture report on your organizations innovation capacity
  • A snapshot of your organizations innovation strengths and weakness
  • Innovation style assessments of key managers, and key teams (using FourSight)
  • Specific recommendations for action steps necessary to improve

 Benefits of an Innovation Culture Assessment:

  • Identification of bottlenecks and conflicts in innovation projects
  • Enhanced awareness and appreciation for individual and team innovation styles
  • Increased probability of successful innovation projects and initiatives
  • Specific suggestions for improving team and organizational innovation efforts

 How It’s Done

Quantitative surveys, which have been the tool of assessments for a number of years, are really not the appropriate tool for a big picture view. They do not get to the heart of the matter — to the deepest motivations of employees and teams.  Quantitative surveys are sometimes useful, but should be complemented with a qualitative study for a complete checkpoint (GFi uses KEYS, developed by Harvard researcher Theresa Amabile, PHD.) The GFi approach is to combine qualitative one-on-one interviews with observational research and quantitative surveys if needed.  

The specific design of the research is customized to the size and locations of an organization. Once the interviews and observational research are done, time is taken to analyze this content, and a concise presentation and/or paper-based report is delivered to management. 

To discuss and develop a customized proposal contact Gregg Fraley at