Persistence & Creativity

Persistence is not a sexy concept. Hearing the word one might feel respect, but also a touch of dread. Persistence means working hard on something in those dreary dog days when you see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Persistence is not something we usually associate with creativity. And yet, it’s a vital piece of it.

It’s easy to start something. Completing things is also a great feeling. It’s that funky bit in the middle that Edison might have called the work clothes of opportunity. Dean Kamen speaks of the inevitable day when a project meets a huge unexpected hurdle — and then everybody wants to bail on it, including you.


The difference between success and failure is often sheer persistence. Talent, skill, luck, and resources have often been beaten by the person (or organization) that simply won’t quit.

So don’t quit. My persistence tip: give yourself a secret nickname. Something that makes you laugh. Like Bulldog, or Sparky, or most-persistent-son-of-a-bitch-in-the-valley. When the dark days of a creative project come, and they will, invoke your secret Bulldog, put your head down, sing “When the Saints Come Marching In” and keep going.

You won’t regret it.

Note to self, read the above weekly and live up to your own words.

    7 responses to “Persistence & Creativity”

    1. Rohin Sher says:

      I need a secret nickname!!….

    2. Mary-Jo Overwater says:

      The G-20 needs a new nickname!

      I love this ;blurb’ — so optimistic and implies good old-fashioned discipline, rigour, sacrifice, & ‘stick-to-it-ness’!

    3. […] Click here to read Gregg’s full post about persistence and creativity […]

    4. Hello Gregg – Loved the post. Admitting to vulnerabilities is a big step forward to overcoming them and I like the way you have articulated it.
      I use a Mantra – “Mind over Matter” – and keep muttering it to myself when things get tough- works for me 🙂


    5. […] is not some­thing we usually asso­ciate with creativity. And yet, it’s a vital piece of it. · Go to Persis­tence & creativity → Published on Friday, December 9, 2011 · Permalink Topics: creativity, persistenceFiled in […]

    6. […] Gregg Fraley's Blog » Blog Archive » Persistence & Creativity Gregg Fraley's Blog » Blog Archive » Persistence & Creativity Tags: dean kamen, edison, failure […]

Posted in Creativity and Self-Expression, Inspirational