Inc. Magazine‘s July/August issue features a blueprint for revitalizing the American economy “Bring on the Entrepreneurs“. Essentially the plan would have thousands of new companies and millions of new jobs created.
Editor Jane Berenston organized a response to an op-ed column by Thomas L. Friedman in The New York Times that called for Obama to make job creation the centerpiece of his administration. I commented on that article last January in this blog. The Inc. article was written by Adam Bluestein and Amy Barrett. In it, they identify existing programs that could be expanded, address issues like immigration, education, government impediments to start-ups — bureaucracy, financing, incubators, student loans, taxes, and energy policy. There’s more, 16 major points in all. As I read through it I was impressed by the research, and, the utter practicality of putting this blueprint to work.
In summary, it’s a great article with a lot of powerful, doable, ideas. My suggestion: read it, print it, and send a copy to your congressman and senator. Kudo’s to Inc!